(2020) Qihe Elevator has successfully developed smart care, turning passive into active, monitoring the abnormal condition of the elevator through the cloud system, improving safety and close to humanized management

In order to prevent people from being trapped due to elevator failures, they used to passively wait for the operator to be notified before the police or the elevator operator rushed to rescue people. Therefore, the Qihe elevator operator, who was born in Penghu, spent more than 4 years in research and development. The new smart elevator notification system turns passive into active. The cloud system can actively monitor the abnormal condition of the elevator, improving safety and closer to humanized management.

Elevator operators in Penghu spent tens of millions of dollars and spent 4 years developing a smart elevator notification system. It has officially obtained a national patent and is widely used in elevators such as home and commercial buildings. It has been widely praised. After promotion and use, Qihe elevator The failure rate in Penghu is less than 1%, and it has survived the test of major power outages in Magong and Suogang.

According to the owner Zhang Qiqi, Qihe Elevator was established in Magong, Penghu in 1998. In 2003, it developed the first generation of intelligent elevator system "SCH-168", and in 2004 it developed the home use "SCH-568" "system, and launched the "CH-256" microcomputer intelligent elevator notification system in 2015, and set up a factory in Yuanlin, Changhua in 2016, and obtained the European Union EN-81-20/50 elevator safety certification in 2018, and successfully developed the absolute position Safety elevator control system.

Currently, there are more than 700 elevators in Penghu, more than 500 of which have adopted the cloud smart elevator notification system. Once the cloud system detects an abnormality, it will be notified immediately, and someone will go door-to-door to ask if anyone is trapped. At the same time, through the big data microcomputer The control analysis also allows the maintenance time to be extended from once a month to once every three months, which shortens the working hours of maintenance personnel to four days a week (salary is paid as usual).

  • Penghu Qihe Elevator has obtained the patent of the smart notification system, turning passive into active, improving safety and humanized management. (Provided by Qihe Elevator)
  • The cloud system can actively monitor the abnormal condition of the elevator and rush to repair it quickly. (Provided by Qihe Elevator)
Qihe Elevator

Qihe Elevator